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Essentials to Successfully Fire-up your Startup

Essentials to Successfully Fire-up your Startup

In order for your startup to be successful, you need to have done everything possible before rushing into business.

Every business starts with a great idea. Your idea is like the day one of school and the first earned dollar is like your graduation day. To give life to your startup and walking it towards the path of success, you are required to go through a whole slew of syllabus before you can ‘graduate’.

The basic first step is intensely analyzing the industry to determine whether your product has the market, what your potential competitors are doing, and how you can take your business above them.

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Why advanced freelancers shouldn’t use Bidding websites (Like UpWork,, PeoplePerHour)

Why advanced freelancers shouldn’t use Bidding websites (Like UpWork,, PeoplePerHour)

Freelance bidding websites attract a lot of freelance projects. They do this by encouraging competition and cheap prices. In this situation, nobody wins. The customer only gets what they paid for (not a lot). And the freelancer can’t grow their business beyond the platform. To win a bid, you must compete on price. To lower your price, you must perform a basic service or reduce your costs. This goes against an advanced freelancers way of thinking. If you focus on adding as much value to a customers business as possible, everybody wins.

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What is an advanced freelancer

What is an advanced freelancer

Advanced freelancers are different to your typical freelancer in a few important ways. They are reliable when they take work on. They’re consistent in their approach. They do their particular service or craft as a full-time job and enjoy it. And they’re aspiring to create a reputation or brand to help grow their business in the future. But if you were to sum it up in one sentence; they reduce the risk for their customers.

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The Devotion to Grinding

The Devotion to Grinding

in this article The Logo Creative discusses The Devotion to Grinding and its a fundamental desire to control your own destiny and ranks very high on most entrepreneurs’ lists of reasons for starting your own businesses. This need is so strong and powerful that entrepreneurs will risk family, future and careers to be their own boss. Unable to feel truly fulfilled grinding for someone else, these particular individuals will never be truly happy following someone else’s plan and taking orders from a boss. Most of the time we are often convinced we have a better way, or an idea that would really revolutionize our industry—or at least our portion of it—and working within a corporate structure is simply stifling that improvement.

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