Benefits of Having a Well Designed Law Firm Website

Benefits of Having a Well Designed Law Firm Website?

Whether yours is a small, newly-hatched law firm or it’s a huge international one, part of the elite Magic Circle or a mid-sized local partnership firm, attracting and retaining clients is a major priority. In this article we discuss the Benefits of Having a Well Designed Law Firm Website?

There was a time not too long ago when lawyers were barred from advertising. They compensated by having offices in prestigious addresses, decorated with heavy furniture, rich carpets, expensive artwork etc. that served to impress clients and visitors and project an image of class, style and success.

Today, there’s no real need to invest in these trappings, though there’s no denying their importance as a marketing strategy.

Instead, in this digital era, wherever you’re located, whatever the size of your firm, and regardless of your practice areas, your website serves as your 24x7x365 marketing department. It’s important that you invest in the right law firm website design.

What Marketing Strategies Should Law Firms Adopt?

Contrary to popular assumptions, marketing and advertising are two very different kettles of fish. While advertising focuses on promoting the firm, its services and products, marketing involves identifying, meeting and predicting client needs and developing strategies to fulfill these needs.

There are several types of marketing such as social media marketing, global marketing, digital marketing, product development, brand marketing, relationship marketing, etc.

Advertising is one of the components in the overall marketing strategy.

For law firms, the marketing message they put out is tailored to showcase their skills, qualifications, experience, track-record, achievements, and the unique value that they will provide to clients.

In the competitive world of online marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in boosting the visibility and success of your law firm’s website. By implementing effective SEO techniques, you can improve your website’s rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs), drive organic traffic, and ultimately attract more potential clients to your firm. Visit this how SEO can make a remarkable difference in your law firm’s online presence

It should also be supported by a robust sales strategy to ensure that your firm attracts new clients as well, while retaining and servicing the existing ones.

Maintain and Grow Existing Relationships: Studies show that nearly 80% of law firm revenues tend to come from referrals and existing clients. That’s why it’s important to focus on these relationships by offering top quality client satisfaction and servicing. Ensure that these clients are aware of the full range of services you offer.

Attract and Hold New Business: Though the backbone of business in law firms may well be existing clients, unless you can attract new clients, revenues will soon taper off. You’ll need to network, attend events and seminars, publish, and explore new areas to bring in new clients.

Build your Brand: Remember that every lawyer in your firm is a unique brand and clients value the special qualities and skills that they bring. Your aim is to create a recognizable, memorable and sustainable image of your law firm and this can be done by showcasing achievements, recognition, awards, membership of prestigious associations, etc.

Getting involved in local community issues and concerns, blogging, networking and ensuring that your brand stays in public memory is a great marketing strategy.

Your website can help you to achieve all these marketing goals. All you have to ensure is that it is well-designed, preferably by a professional, is kept regularly updated with fresh, well-written, relevant, original content and is optimized for search engines.

Benefits of a Well-Designed Website for Your Law Firm

Visibility: Studies show that nearly 35% of potential clients search for law firms online and 30% who want a lawyer to deal with a specialized area of law begin by looking at a law firm’s website. Statistics show that the 25-35 year age group of people are most likely to use the Net to find a lawyer. You can find great lawyers with LegalVision UK.

Sure, you have a team of highly-qualified, experienced and talented legal eagles. But unless clients know you’re out there, where to find you and what services you offer, what your specializations and achievements are, you’re doomed to obscurity. Word-of-mouth referrals have their limitations.

Your website is your visible presence among thousands of firms across the country.

Credibility: Well-designed websites are a platform where you can educate and inform clients about your firm and what sets it apart from others. It’s obvious that clients who seek legal advice would do so because they face some sort of problem.

Your website reassures them that they have reached the right place when they read client stories, testimonials and case studies. Relevant, current content that’s useful and offers value is also a way to ensure that you’re ranked higher on search engines.

Memorable: One of the biggest benefits of a well-designed website is that it stimulates better recall in the minds of potential clients and visitors. When your clients consider your website to be their go-to place for information that’s credible, reliable and useful, it soon becomes a regular habit that stays in their memories.

This aspect is usually shared on social media and word of mouth by people who find your website interesting and instructive.

In Sync: Mobile searches account for more than 50% of online searches, with desktop/laptops falling behind. A well-designed website that’s in sync with current trends is optimized and responsive so that it can be accessed from various devices.

This means that the content is conveniently optimized for scrolling on the small screen mobile phone as well as on larger ones. As of now, just over 13% of websites across the world are capable of retaining their ranking for a particular across all devices.

A large majority of websites drop down in the rankings when they’re searched for on mobiles. Make sure that your isn’t one of them.

Engagement: The longer your website is able to keep the visitor engaged and interested on site, the higher are the chances that she/he could transform into a client. Good content that’s relevant, credible and well-presented in a professional tone of voice on your website helps to build interest and recall. This means better revenues down the line.

Customer Relationships: Your website offers customers a 24x7x365 communication channel. They can log in to check on your services, the status of their case, share their concerns, etc. The website is a platform where customers can feel comfortable asking questions and getting the right advice and assistance.

Chatbots and virtual assistants offer answers to frequently asked questions and can direct the customer to locate exactly what’s on the site.

Productivity: The website’s capability to function as a measurement of productivity is often missed. Intake forms hold immense amounts of data about visits, behavior, search engine terms, frequency, demographics, etc.

This helps you to streamline your marketing strategies and allocate resources properly. Get to know your client base better and can also track revenue streams, expenditure, bottlenecks etc.

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