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Know Your Onions - Graphic Design By Drew de Soto

Know Your Onions: Graphic Design By Drew de Soto

Know Your Onions by Drew de Soto is a very enlightening book offering a different view of the things you encounter every day as a designer.

Drew De Soto who is a print-focused designer has been a graphic designer for over 25 years, this book is a guide for working in the Graphic Design industry and first published by BIS Publishers in 2012.

As he says in his Introduction: “After a 25-year career in graphic design, I’ve picked up a few things and turned them into ‘custom settings’. Read this book and save yourself 25 years.”

Drew was kind enough to send us a copy of the book to review and we were looking forward to tucking into this one, Again I would like to thank Drew for sending us the book and answering our questions as part of this review. Let dive in and take a look at Know Your Onions: Graphic Design By Drew de Soto.

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Revamping Your Brand’s Content Strategy in 5 Steps

Revamping Your Brand’s Content Strategy in 5 Steps

A lot of content strategies aren’t really strategies at all. They’re just a collection of decisions that have been made over the years without an actual vision uniting them in a purpose. Even if your brand has a content strategy, chances are it’s due for a reboot. Things change quickly in the business world and it’s a good idea to reevaluate how effective your content strategy is. Here are five steps to revamping your brand’s content strategy.

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Set Yourself Up For Success, 6 Most Important Elements Of Launching A Strong Brand

Set Yourself Up For Success: 6 Most Important Elements Of Launching A Strong Brand

The brand is the most important and valuable thing about your company. There are plenty of reasons for this but most notably, people love buying from brands that they already know and love. According to research conducted, 59% of people would rather buy products and services from brands that they are already familiar with.

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Simple Yet Effective Offline Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Simple Yet Effective Offline Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

There is no denying the fact how the internet has brought a disruptive change in the world. It has significantly improved the way people are communicating with each other – social media is a prime example of that. The Internet has given a new lease of life to businesses as well and how online marketing has immensely benefited them is just unprecedented. The rise of e-commerce is the telltale testimony of transformation in business.

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Top Search Ranks are Not The Only Measure of SEO Success as Business ROI is Also a Factor

Top Search Ranks are Not The Only Measure of SEO Success as Business ROI is Also a Factor

Business success depends on fast revenue generation, and the best way of doing it is to embrace SEO. Today, online marketing is the only way to give impetus to overall marketing activities linked to revenue generation. That is the reason why businesses of all sizes and shapes cutting across industry segments are implementing SEO.  Google has recognised the needs of businesses so well that it has devised local SEO for small companies that have made SEO accessible for even the most modest business set up. It has put to end the long-standing misconception that SEO is for big companies only.

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Is Your Website Designed To Supplement The Buyer's Journey

Is Your Website Designed To Supplement The Buyer’s Journey

Your website is the online headquarter of your business. While the first instinct would be to make it as you please, everything you do online should be aimed at pleasing the consumer. Better user experience is something that all businesses need to focus on, to achieve success.

If you are selling a product or a service online, you probably have a conversion funnel in place. However, even after having a systematic approach in place, and creating quality content, if you are experiencing stagnant growth, maybe it is time to look at the conversion funnel from the perspective of your customer.

That is, instead of creating content for a conversion funnel, the objective should be to create content for the buyer’s journey.

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Branding in five and a half steps by Michael Johnson

Branding: In Five and a Half Steps: The Definitive Guide to Creating Brand Identity in Five and a Half Steps By Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is one of the world’s leading graphic designers and brand consultants. His studio, johnson banks, is responsible for the rebranding of many notable clients, including Virgin Atlantic, Think London, BFI, Christian Aid, and MORE TH>N, and he has garnered a plethora of awards in the process.

In early 2014, Michael Johnson started work on a key book he felt was missing from his shelves – a definitive guide to the entire branding process that wasn’t biased to either strategy or design, but treated both as equals. Two and a half years later the project came to fruition in Branding: In Five and Half Steps, published in Autumn 2016 by Thames and Hudson.

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How New Businesses Can Use Content Marketing For Establishing and Promoting Brands

How To Use Content Marketing For Establishing and Promoting Brands

Every business is vying for brand visibility on the internet, the most promising avenue for brand promotion and marketing. Today, almost all sizes and kinds of companies maintain an online identity, and it is up to the business owners how they use it for leveraging their marketing efforts. Online identity is mandatory for startups that also have to face an uphill task in introducing and establishing the brand first and then taking on the competitors. Every industry segment is exceptionally crowded and dominated by established players who have already earned the confidence of consumers for their brands.  The biggest challenge that startups face is to work out ways of making the brand visible and taking it at par with other established brands. It is the least that they have to achieve if not able to make it most desirable.

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