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The Major Benefits You Need to Know About

Shared Hosting: The Major Benefits You Need to Know About

Web hosting is a huge business. If you think about how many websites there are online at the moment (more than 1 billion in 2020 according to Internet Live Stats), then each and every single one of them is being hosted somewhere. In this article we discuss Shared Hosting: The Major Benefits You Need to Know About.

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Running A Business - Here's How Technology Can Be Of Help

Running A Business? Here’s How Technology Can Be Of Help

Consider how businesses were run thirty years ago, and compare it too now. Things have changed at an incredible pace. With the internet has come business websites and the ability to email people within seconds, no matter where they live. In this article we discuss Running a Business? Here’s How Technology Can Be of Help.

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Beamer Your Websites Notification System - Review

Beamer Your Websites Notification System – Review

You’re running a website it’s your passion, you love creating content and have a popular blog that your readers love to read, you’re working day and night on fresh content! Wouldn’t it be great if you had some sort of easy to use notification system to keep your readers in the loop, we have the solution for you! – Beamer Your Website Notification System – Review

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How to Protect Your Website from Google Penalties

How to Protect Your Website from Google Penalties

If you’ve been hit with a Google penalty before, you know first hand it’s one the scariest problems to face on the Internet. From known reputable websites to small businesses, any website can be penalized. A Google penalty can be devastating to any website by ruining its ranking, organic traffic, brand, and much more. In this article, we discuss How to Protect Your Website from Google Penalties.

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