A Guide to Building Brand Cohesion Through Graphic Design

A Guide to Building Brand Cohesion Through Graphic Design

Brand cohesion is essential for building a strong and recognisable brand identity, fostering customer trust and loyalty, and ultimately driving business success.

The term brand cohesion refers to the consistency and harmony maintained across all aspects of a brand’s identity, messaging, and customer experience.

It involves ensuring that every interaction a customer has with a brand, whether it’s through advertising, products or services, social media, customer support, or any other touchpoint, reinforces the brand’s values, personality, and visual identity.

Although it takes meticulous attention to detail, developing a great brand identity and brand cohesion can pay off in the long run. People often say that you only get seven seconds to make a good first impression, so it has to be something you remember.

Using your visual branding to quickly make an impression on customers is the most effective way to do business.

Key Elements of Brand Cohesion

The key elements of brand cohesion include the following:

Brand Identity

This includes the brand’s logo, colours, typography, imagery, and overall visual style. Consistency in these elements across all platforms and materials helps reinforce brand recognition and perception.

Brand Messaging

The language, tone, and style used in communication should align with the brand’s personality and values. Whether it’s in advertising copy, social media posts, customer communications, or product descriptions, maintaining a consistent voice strengthens brand cohesion.

Customer Experience

From the moment a customer interacts with the brand to post-purchase support, every touchpoint should reflect the brand’s values and promise. Consistent experiences build trust and loyalty.

Product or Service Offering

The products or services offered should align with the brand’s positioning and target audience. Consistency in quality, features, and pricing helps in reinforcing the brand’s image and customer expectations.

Visual Consistency

This involves maintaining consistency in visual elements across various platforms and materials, including website design, social media profiles, advertisements, packaging, and physical stores (if applicable).

Internal Alignment

Ensuring that employees understand and embody the brand’s values and messaging helps in delivering a consistent brand experience. Internal cohesion translates to external cohesion.


While consistency is crucial, brands should also be able to adapt to different channels and contexts while staying true to their core identity. This might involve tweaking messaging or visuals slightly to suit specific platforms or target audiences.

If this makes you think that creating brand cohesion for your business could be a complex undertaking, then think again. Brand cohesion can easily be developed and maintained using good graphic design practices.

Building brand cohesion through graphic design is essential for creating a strong and consistent brand identity across various platforms and channels.

With all of that in mind here is a comprehensive guide to building brand cohesion through graphic design…

Building Brand Cohesion Through Graphic Design

1. Understand Your Brand Identity:

Define your brand’s mission, values, personality, and target audience. Identify key brand elements such as logo, colour palette, typography, and imagery. Then establish brand guidelines by outlining how these elements should be used consistently across all design materials.

2. Develop a Strong Visual Identity:

Design a memorable and versatile logo design that reflects your brand’s personality and values. Choose a cohesive colour palette that resonates with your brand and evokes the desired emotions. Select typography that aligns with your brand’s voice and complements other visual elements. You can then create a library of brand assets, including patterns, icons, and illustrations, to reinforce brand recognition.

3. Maintain Consistency:

Ensure that all design elements adhere to the brand guidelines consistently. You can achieve this by using the same colours, fonts, and imagery across different platforms and touchpoints.

Establish design templates for various materials, such as social media posts, presentations, and print collateral, to maintain visual consistency.

4. Tailor Designs to Different Platforms:

Adapt your designs to fit the specifications and requirements of different platforms and mediums. It is essential to optimise your designs for digital platforms by considering factors such as screen size, resolution, and responsiveness.

A potential new client will look elsewhere if you are not making the effort to ensure their chosen method of interacting online is ignored. Likewise, you will need to customise designs for print materials by adjusting colours, fonts, and layouts for optimal printing quality for brochures and leaflets customers can keep and peruse at their leisure.

5. Tell a Cohesive Story:

Make it a priority to use graphic design to communicate your brand’s narrative and values effectively. This can be easily achieved by creating visual storytelling elements, such as infographics, illustrations, and animations, to engage and captivate your audience. You can then ensure that the visual elements align with your brand’s messaging and tone to create a cohesive brand narrative.

6. Incorporate Brand Elements Thoughtfully:

Integrate your brand’s logo, colours, and typography into all design elements, including packaging, signage, advertising, and digital assets. It is essential to strike a balance between brand consistency and creativity to ensure that designs are visually appealing while still reinforcing brand identity.

7. Seek Feedback and Iterate:

Make a point of soliciting feedback from stakeholders, customers, and design professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of your brand’s visual identity. Then use this feedback to continuously refine and iterate your designs based on feedback and insights to ensure they remain relevant and impactful.

8. Stay Updated and Evolve:

Stay abreast of design trends, industry developments, and changes in consumer preferences to keep your brand’s visual identity fresh and relevant. By carrying out regular reviews and updating your brand guidelines to reflect any changes or enhancements to your brand’s visual identity.

By following these steps, you can create a cohesive and visually compelling brand identity that resonates with your audience and sets your brand apart in the marketplace. Though it takes meticulous attention to detail, developing a strong brand identity can pay off in the long term by establishing your brand and connecting with consumers.

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If you’re looking to learn more about brand strategy, we highly recommend eRESONAID with our friend and acclaimed brand strategist and author Fabian Geyrhalter, it’s packed full of knowledge and insights you will need to learn to become a brand strategist or apply what you learn within your own business.

eRESONAID - The Brand Strategy Framework - Online Course by Fabien Geyrhalter